🌟2024 TOPIK Schedule – Get Ready!🌟

Hey there! 🙌 Exciting news for all Korean language buffs out there! 🎉 The 2024 TOPIK schedule is officially out. So many of you are gearing up for the TOPIK tests, and guess what? JAEM Korean team has all the details lined up for you! 📅

2024 TOPIK schedule JAEM Korean blog post image

This year, we’ve got a total of 9 TOPIK tests on the calendar 📚 – 6 are PBT (paper-based tests) and 3 are IBT (internet-based tests). Plus, there are 3 chances to ace the TOPIK speaking test! 🗣 With the growing number of TOPIK hopefuls, the tests are more frequent and even available outside Korea! 🌍

2024 TOPIK Schedule – Google Calendar

Wondering how to start prepping? 🤔 Click here to sync the 2024 TOPIK schedule with your Google Calendar 📲: (Link: Google Calendar)

Don’t forget, you can also snag the 2024 TOPIK schedule in PDF right here 📄: (Link: Download PDF)

Dreaming of working in Korea? 🇰🇷 You’ll need a TOPIK level 6 for most jobs, but level 4 might just get your foot in the door. Aim for the stars with a group class, and tackle those tricky TOPIK terms with our video lessons! 🎓 Whether it’s your first or fifth time, a Korean teacher can prep you to nail it. And if you’re a student or job-seeker, these classes are your golden ticket to a high score! ✨

Once you’re ready, take the plunge and register for the test on the official TOPIK website (official website link).

2024 TOPIK Schedule:

In Korea, the usual 3 tests are set (January, May, November – 92nd, 94th, 97th TOPIK), and 3 additional sessions are planned both in Korea and globally (April, July, October – 93rd, 95th, 96th TOPIK). May and November will see TOPIK reaching parts of Asia and Europe! 🌏 Remember, registration times can vary, so keep tabs!

YEAR 2024 TOPIK SCHEDULE (2024년 토픽 시험 일정)

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📸 [TOPIK Schedule image 1]

*Registration dates may differ based on location. Check with your local Sejong Institute or the Korean embassy. Results pop up at 15:00 KST on the TOPIK site, but hey, dates can change! 🕒 For the lowdown on your local test, hit up your Korean embassy or Cultural Center.

2024 TOPIK IBT Schedule:

Get ready for three IBT TOPIKs coming your way in January, April, and July (2nd, 3rd, 4th IBT TOPIK). Test your skills in a tech-equipped center with PCs or tablets – and the future’s looking bright for more IBT tests! 💻

2024 TOPIK schedule ibt
📸 [2024 TOPIK IBT Test Schedule (2024 토픽 IBT 시험 일정) image]

2024 TOPIK Speaking Schedule:

Catch the TOPIK speaking test three times this year in Korea (January, April, July – 4th, 5th, 6th TOPIK speaking test). Rock that speaking test and score extra points for GKS scholarships, ace your college admissions, or impress in job interviews! 🎤 Speaking skills are key, so keep your eyes on the prize!

2024 TOPIK schedule speaking
📸 [2024 TOPIK speaking test image]

TOPIK Test Fees:


Here’s what you need to know about registration fees (check local rates with your Sejong Institute or embassy):

👉 Visit the official TOPIK site for all the deets (www.topik.go.kr), and for personal guidance, our JAEM Korean team will be with you! 💌

So, take a good look at the 2024 TOPIK schedule, best of luck, and thanks for stopping by! 😊

lf You want to take free lessons about TOPIK, Download our app ‘JAEM Korean’. There are many free lessons about TOPIK test. You can find ‘TOPIK tricky words’ lesson or ‘TOPIK Listening practice’ Lesson. We are going to open premieum course about TOPIK, so plz wait!!✌️
