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Master Korean numbers in 1 hour
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Introduction -
Course Materials
Basic NumbersBasic Numbers
Basic Numbers(2)
AgeHow old are you
Age in Korean
DateHow many days did it take?
What month is it now?
What year were you born?
Tell me your alien registration number
TimeWhat time is it?
Time in Korean
(Practice) Date/time in Korean
CountOrder & Count in Korean (1)
Order & Count in Korean (2)
OthersPhone number in Korean
Car number in Korean
Numbers in Math class
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Only repetition improves your skills 🙂
[What you need to do to study this course better!]
1. This lecture looks better on a PC or tablet than on a smartphone. We recommend using a PC or tablet.
2. If you are watching this lecture on a smartphone, be sure to study in full screen or landscape mode.
3. Download the PDF file from ‘Course Materials’ and study together.
Now let’s study Korean hard! – JAEM Korean