JAEM points
Three-Day Thriver
The total number of days spent taking lessons is 3 days! It's a good start.
38 users have earned this Badge
- The total number of days spent taking lessons is 3 days!
People who have earned this:
Welcome to JAEM
This is a badge given to those who participated in JAEM Korean.
1393 users have earned this Badge
- This is a badge given to those who participated in JAEM Korean.
People who have earned this:
First Course
You have registered for your first course at JAEM Korean.
311 users have earned this Badge
- You have registered for your first course at JAEM Korean.
People who have earned this:
Enthusiastic Learner
You get this badge every time you enroll in 4 courses.
7 users have earned this Badge
- You get this badge every time you enroll in 4 courses.