Introduction Korean Grammar ‘-고 & -‘

Learning Korean grammar can be challenging, but breaking it down into manageable lessons can make it easier. Today, we will explore the grammar pattern ‘-고,’ which is used to connect actions or states, and compare it with ‘-도,’ which means “also” or “too” in Korean. This lesson will help you understand and use these forms effectively.

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Korean Grammar 37 '-고, -도'

Grammar Explanation

-고: The grammar pattern ‘고’ is used to connect actions or states. It is similar to saying “and” in English.


  • Attach ‘고’ directly to the verb or adjective stem.
Speech FormFormExample Sentence
Verb (to go)가고학교에 가고 (Go to school and)
Verb (to eat)먹고밥을 먹고 (Eat a meal and)
Verb (to read)읽고책을 읽고 (Read a book and)
Verb (to study)공부하고공부하고 (Study and)

-도: The grammar pattern ‘도’ is used to indicate that something is also the case or to include an additional item. It is similar to saying “also” or “too” in English.


  • Attach ‘도’ directly to the noun, verb, or adjective stem.
Speech FormFormExample Sentence
Noun (book)책도책도 (Also a book)
Verb (to go)가도학교에 가도 (Even if you go to school)
Adjective (good)좋기도좋기도 (Also good)
Verb (to study)공부하기도공부하기도 (Also study)


Using ‘-고’ to Connect Actions or States:

  • 가다 (to go)
    • 가고 = Go and
    • 학교에 가고 친구를 만나요 = I go to school and meet my friends.
  • 먹다 (to eat)
    • 먹고 = Eat and
    • 밥을 먹고 숙제를 해요 = I eat a meal and do my homework.
  • 읽다 (to read)
    • 읽고 = Read and
    • 책을 읽고 잠을 자요 = I read a book and sleep.
  • 공부하다 (to study)
    • 공부하고 = Study and
    • 공부하고 나서 쉬어요 = I study and then rest.

Using ‘-도’ to Indicate “Also” or “Too”:

  • (book)
    • 책도 = Also a book
    • 저는 책도 읽어요 = I also read books.
  • 가다 (to go)
    • 가도 = Even if you go
    • 학교에 가도 재미없어요 = Even if you go to school, it is not fun.
  • 좋다 (good)
    • 좋기도 = Also good
    • 날씨가 좋기도 해요 = The weather is also good.
  • 공부하다 (to study)
    • 공부하기도 = Also study
    • 저는 공부하기도 해요 = I also study.

Comparison of ‘-고’ and ‘-도’


  • Used to connect actions or states.
  • Indicates that one action or state follows another.
  • Example: 밥을 먹고 숙제를 해요 = I eat a meal and do my homework.


  • Used to indicate that something is also the case or to include an additional item.
  • Adds emphasis on inclusion or similarity.
  • Example: 저는 책도 읽어요 = I also read books.

While ‘-고’ connects two or more actions or states, ‘-도’ emphasizes that something is additionally included or is the same as something else.

Common Mistakes

Common Mistakes with ‘-고’:

  • Incorrect: 학교에 가 숙제를 해요 (missing the connecting particle)
    • Correct: 학교에 가고 숙제를 해요 = I go to school and do my homework.

Common Mistakes with ‘-도’:

  • Incorrect: 책 읽어요 (missing the emphasis on inclusion)
    • Correct: 책도 읽어요 = I also read books.

Mistake Explanation: Ensure that ‘-고’ is used to connect actions or states, while ‘-도’ is used to add emphasis on inclusion or similarity.

Explore these related grammar points to deepen your understanding:

  • -거나: To indicate choices or alternatives.
  • -면서: To indicate simultaneous actions.
  • -뿐만 아니라: To express “not only but also.”
  • -하고: To indicate “and” with nouns.

Practice Exercises

Practice Makes Perfect!

  • Exercise 1: Conjugate the following verbs using ‘-고.’
    • 가다 (to go)
    • 먹다 (to eat)
    • 읽다 (to read)
    • 공부하다 (to study)

Answer Key:

  1. 가고
  2. 먹고
  3. 읽고
  4. 공부하고
  • Exercise 2: Conjugate the following nouns/verbs/adjectives using ‘-도.’
    • (book)
    • 가다 (to go)
    • 좋다 (good)
    • 공부하다 (to study)

Answer Key:

  1. 책도
  2. 가도
  3. 좋기도
  4. 공부하기도
  • Exercise 3: Create sentences using ‘-고’ for the following situations:
    • Go to school and meet friends.
    • Eat a meal and do homework.
    • Read a book and sleep.
    • Study and then rest.

Answer Key:

  1. 학교에 가고 친구를 만나요.
  2. 밥을 먹고 숙제를 해요.
  3. 책을 읽고 잠을 자요.
  4. 공부하고 나서 쉬어요.
  • Exercise 4: Create sentences using ‘-도’ for the following situations:
    • I also read books.
    • Even if you go to school.
    • The weather is also good.
    • I also study.

Answer Key:

  1. 저는 책도 읽어요.
  2. 학교에 가도 재미없어요.
  3. 날씨가 좋기도 해요.
  4. 저는 공부하기도 해요.

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