Next month plan; 다음 달 계획

여기에서 Intensive Challenge의 다음 달 계획을 볼 수 있습니다.
You can see next month’s schedule for the Intensive Challenge here.

Apply for the class now! (Click) 수업 신청하기

Notice | 공지사항

JAEM Intensive challenge plan and curriculum 3

Schedule for next month | 다음 달 일정

Program includes | 프로그램 내용

JAEM Intensive challenge plan and curriculum 6

Next Month Plan | 다음 달 수업 내용

*수업 내용은 변경될 수 있습니다. *Class content may change.

Book & Classes | 책 & 수업

Students Review | 학생 후기

JAEM Intensive challenge plan and curriculum_16

You can check out REAL REVIEW at the link! 아래 링크에서 학생 후기를 더 볼 수 있어요.

How it works | 수업 진행

Thank you!!

Learn Korean with JAEM Korean App & JAEM Challenge: Discover the best way to learn real Korean with our comprehensive app. Enjoy a wide variety of free lessons and courses designed to help you master the language. Also, our unique JAEM challenge program guides you from an upper-beginner level to a master course, all under the guidance of Native Korean Coaches. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, this program offers an effective path to fluency.

Our Book: Additionally, explore our comprehensive book that covers essential Korean language skills and strategies. This valuable resource complements our app and AI program, providing a holistic approach to mastering Korean.

Master Korean with JAEM Blog! : Looking for the best tips to improve your Korean? JAEM Blog has everything you need! From TOPIK strategies to vocabulary and writing tips, we provide expert insights to help you study smarter. Stay updated with practical content and take your Korean learning to the next level! 🚀

If you want 1:1 Korean teacher, There is another service name “Chapter Korean


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